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Brazilian smoothing: keratin, tips and tricks

What is Brazilian smoothing?
Brazilian smoothing: a care as much as a smoothing
Brazilian smoothing is a smoothing technique, as its name suggests, but not only. Indeed it is also a care and a method of hair care. This technique, only performed by professionals and impossible to reproduce oneself, involves using expert products. The principle of Brazilian smoothing is to inject liquid keratin into the heart of the hair, ie inside the scales that make up the hair fiber. Keratin is a natural protein that makes up 95% of the hair's material. It allows to nourish and sublimate the hair fiber. By injecting it directly into the hair during Brazilian smoothing, we nourish the hair for more radiance, but also for a natural silky effect to facilitate the smoothing and make it more natural. Once the keratin impregnated the hair the second step of the Brazilian smoothing is to smooth them carefully with a flat iron.What are the steps of Brazilian smoothing?
The first step of a Brazilian smoothing is the shampoo, sometimes two. Indeed in order to obtain the best possible result the hair must be rid of all the impurities that accumulate in everyday life. The shampoo also helps to spread the scales that cover the hair so that the keratin can penetrate the heart of the hair fiber.
Once the shampoo is replaced by drying, a Brazilian smoothing is performed on dry hair to optimize the penetrating power of keratin in the hair.
The hairdresser then applies the care based on keratin and smoothing agents, generally collagen and silk proteins for a soft touch, on the whole of the hair, lock by strand, in order to distribute the liquid on all the hair. It must then be allowed to rest for at least 20 minutes so that the keratin can penetrate effectively.
The last step is the smoothing itself. The temperature can vary according to the nature and sensitivity of the hair: from 180 � C for the most fragile to 250 � C for the healthiest. The smoothing will optimize the nourishing power since the heat allows to gradually close the scales of the hair fiber after the keratin impregnated the heart of the hair. The latter are therefore nourished in depth and it is ensured that the product continues its effect even much later by keeping it under the scales. In order to close all the scales smoothing is done on very fine wicks, one by one. This step in addition to being the most technical is also the longest since it can last more than two hours.
The benefits of Brazilian smoothing
A natural rendering
The first advantage of Brazilian smoothing is its natural result. Unlike other smoothing techniques that dry the hair and give them a rough text and a straight three shape, the Brazilian smoothing helps maintain a natural shape. The hair is smoother, softer and keeps a soft fall. The Brazilian smoothing thus removes unwanted curls or frizz and discipline a volume that would be excessive while maintaining a "wavy" effect because it relaxes the hair and give them more flexibility and not to stiffen them artificially. In addition keratin can give much more shine and shine to the hair. The result is immediate, both visually and touched, and you will have an impression of softness and silky much more pronounced than traditional smoothing. This is the difference that care makes before smoothing.

A result that lasts through the care
During a Brazilian smoothing the keratin penetrates deep into the hair. This process allows to keep the desired result much longer than with a smoothing or a more ordinary care because it really nourishes the hair. A Brazilian smoothing can thus be kept from 4 to 6 months if it is well done and well maintained. In general, sufficiently nourished hair will always have more flexibility and this is what makes all the strength and effectiveness of Brazilian smoothing on other methods.
In addition, the Brazilian smoothing makes it possible to strengthen the hair fiber where other techniques weaken it thanks to its contribution in keratin. Your hair will be less brittle and you will be less victim of forks.

Hair easier to comb
Finally the Brazilian smoothing, as it disciplines and relaxes the hair, makes it possible to style them much more easily. Indeed, finished beating you with ripples or loops that you do not like: a brush stroke and everything will return to order much easier. The result will be even more impressive on thick hair because the volume of the hair can decrease up to 70%, which will greatly facilitate the passage of the hairbrush and greatly reduce the presence of knots.What to know before and after a Brazilian smoothing
Can we do a Brazilian smoothing on colored hair?
Good news if you are a fan of colorations and other tie and dye. Indeed, a Brazilian smoothing can perfectly be done on colored hair. In this case your hairdresser will simply adjust the temperature of the smoothing downwards to take into account the additional sensitivity of the hair. A Brazilian smoothing always gives an impression of enlightenment. Indeed, this is especially due to the keratin which accentuates the shine and shine of the hair.

How to preserve its Brazilian smoothing longer?
It is not recommended to shampoo less than 3 or 4 days after a Brazilian smoothing. Indeed, it would remove some of the keratin that was injected into the hair before it had time to be fully assimilated by the hair fiber. After this period you can resume a normal washing rhythm.
Be careful however with the shampoos you use. In fact, favor above all shampoos without sulphates and without silicone that dries the hair. Sodium is also avoidable because it tends to damage and spread the scales of the hair, which makes their heart more exposed and creates a loss of keratin. So avoid sea baths in the days following your Brazilian smoothing unless you wear a protective mask before diving.
Finally, to maintain longer the effects of your Brazilian smoothing, you can make masks based on keratin lasting about 10 minutes to revive shine and shine and nourish the hair fiber.

Want a Brazilian smoothing?
Do you find your hair dull and dry? Do you want to give them sparkle and suppleness? Good luck, thanks to Hello Hairdresser you can make an appointment for free and with one click at Kike Filian. Our partner salon, will be happy to make you use all its talent of Brazilian smoothing to meet your every request. Originally from Latin America where he comes from his expertise of this technique so special and installed for several years now in Paris you will be amazed by his expertise. Pass the door of his establishment of the 17th arrondissement of Paris to find you in a warm and confidential atmosphere. Your host will advise you and satisfy all your expectations, from the most classic looks to the most advanced. To book at Kike Filian it's here that it happens.
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Brazilian smoothing: keratin, tips and tricks Reviewed by Dereck Bechtelar on 2:24 AM Rating: 5

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